Did you know ? Over 88K Ad Agencies in the USA!

A shocking statistic from IBISWorld showed that the USA has over 88K advertising agencies. To put that in perspective, that is more than the combined number of U.S. units of below 9 fast food chains.

👀 How many times do you see one of these stores on your way to work ?

With so many agencies and a largely unregulated industry, statistically, the chances that you encounter an agency that “makes promises they can’t deliver on” is growing.

Do you work with a digital advertising agency and can’t shake that feeling that you should fact check them ? At The PPC Doctor we offer 1 hour second opinion consultations that can help provide you peace of mind and secure your marketing investment.

Read more about our 2nd opinion services

Author: Marcel van der Stroom
Marcel van der Stroom has a 25 year career spanning Finance, Business Intelligence and Marketing, serving worldwide clients ranging from small to enterprise level. After a successful tenure in the high-tech industry where he was part of a 10x growth path over 15 years, he founded The PPC Doctor to help early stage companies achieve their own breakthroughs in growth.