86% of B2B marketers use content marketing – do you?

Marcel R van der Stroom

Marcel van der Stroom is the founder and CEO of the PPC Doctor.


A recent post by Asim Akhtar, CEO of AtOnce states a few thought provoking statistics on B2B marketing:

86% of #B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers.
64% of B2B marketers outsource their content creation.
90% of B2B buyers say online content has a moderate to major effect on purchasing decisions.

While I have no insight in the methodology of this research, it lines up with what I see at my clients.

1) Tailored, well researched, quality content written for a niche audience is a great brand awareness and consideration builder. I’m not talking about quick off the cuff pieces of content, but something deliberate and helpful that goes beyond 95% of the noise out there.

2) It is one thing to know about an industry topic, and another thing to be able to write about it. Skills in #journalism and #research and relevant industry experience will allow you to write the content as an insider. Hiring an outside freelancer / agency who has experience in the industry is a good step in creating memorable and high-performing content. This is not just relevant for the written words, but attention need to be given to graphical design as well.

3) In speaking with buyers, they indicated that the professional tone of the article, the level & quality of research that has been done and the sources that are used are factors that help them reduce inertia in the buying committee and perceived risk – in other words – it makes them feel better about the decision they are making.

Are you ready to get your content marketing to another level ? Book a free consultation today.

Author: Marcel van der Stroom
Marcel van der Stroom has a 25 year career spanning Finance, Business Intelligence and Marketing, serving worldwide clients ranging from small to enterprise level. After a successful tenure in the high-tech industry where he was part of a 10x growth path over 15 years, he founded The PPC Doctor to help early stage companies achieve their own breakthroughs in growth.